


An Investigative Study on the Flow Experience of Improvisation Courses in Dancing Classes of Primary School




苗桂蓉(Kui-Jung Miao);郭靜姿(Ching-Chin Kuo)


舞蹈資優生 ; 即興創作 ; 心流經驗 ; 經驗取樣法 ; talented dance student ; improvisation ; flow experience ; teaching beliefs ; Experience Sampling Method ESM




9卷1期(2009 / 06 / 01)


1 - 24




本研究旨在調查國小舞蹈班學生的心流經驗,藉以了解學生學習時的經驗感受,提供教師做爲教學上的參考。研究者以臺灣北區四所國小五、六年級舞蹈班爲研究對象,有效樣本計227人。利用問卷調查方式蒐集資料進行研究。主要研究工具爲「我的經驗記錄表」,以經驗取樣法(Experience Sampling Method,簡稱ESM)進行研究,共取得有效問卷1152份,探討即興創作與心流狀態的關係。問卷調查結果以卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及薛費事後檢定進行統計考驗。茲就本研究之研究結果說明如下: 一、不同經驗狀態的主觀經驗感受不同:心流狀態爲經驗感受的高點,而淡漠狀態爲經驗感受的低點。 二、不同經驗狀態與即興創作學習成就有關:其中以無聊狀態的即興創作成績最高,其次爲心流狀態,最低分的是焦慮狀態。


This research aimed to investigate the flow experience of primary dancing class students and to testify the quality of their learning experience for further teaching reference. The fifth and sixth graders of dancing class were surveyed and interviewed to collect the data of the research. The effective sample number was 227 students from four elementary schools in the Northern Taiwan. ”Experience Sampling Form” was the main research instrument, and the research was conducted by means of ”Experience Sampling Method” (ESM). Totally 1152 effective questionnaires were collected. The data was used to compare and contrast the relationship between improvisation and flow channel. The result of the survey was processed with ”Chi-square Test”, ”Independent Test”, ”One-way ANOVA”, and ”Scheffe's Method”; the interview results were analyzed and generalized qualitatively. The main research results were as follows: 1. The quality of experience was varied because of different flow channel. The most positive feeling was shown when they were in flow channel; to the contrary is apathy channel. 2. Different experience related with improvisation achievement. The best scores were got by the students in boredom channel; the next was in flow channel, and the lowest was in anxiety channel.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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