This study was in response to one of the action project of The White Book of Gifted Education in Taiwan 2008. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the applicability of school-based differentiated programs for the gifted, expecting the students would fulfill their potentials wherever they were in regular classes or gifted programs. The action research proceeded in two parts. Part Ⅰ was developing three instruments to assist the experimented teaching of differentiated instruction. Part Ⅱ was the implementation of differentiated instruction. Three research instruments in good reliability and validity were developed. They were Observation Scale of Teaching Behaviors (OSTB), Needs Assessment Scale of Students' Learning (NASSL), and Questionnaire of Community Resources and Supporting Systems (QCRSS). The OSTB was designed to examine the teachers' behaviors of differentiated instruction. The NASSL was designed to understand students' preferred way of input, processing and output upon learning in varied subjects. The QCRSS was designed to assist teachers in analyzing the applicability of community resources and supporting systems. The implementation of differentiated instruction was experimented in northern, central, and southern Taiwan. Subjects were students both in elementary and secondary schools from regular classes and gifted programs. Mathematics, science, and language arts were implemented in differentiated approaches. The results of experimented teaching were analyzed in the aspects of differentiated levels, strategies and effects. Also a proposed framework of implementing differentiated programs was provided.
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