


The Life Cycle of "Leptocybe invasa", an Invasive Species in Taiwan




董景生(Gene-Sheng Tung);張德斌(Te-Pin Chang);林雅玲(Ya-Ling Lin);廖國媖(Gwo-Ing Liao)


桉樹 ; 蟲癭 ; 桉樹枝癭釉小蜂 ; 生活史 ; 族群監測 ; eucalyptus ; insect gall ; "Leptocybe invasa" ; life cycle ; population monitoring




34卷3-4期(2015 / 03 / 01)


199 - 209




造癭的釉小蜂科(Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)昆蟲近年肆虐歐洲以及亞美非大陸的桉樹林,造成重大的經濟損失,台灣於2010年首次記錄桉樹枝癭釉小蜂("Leptocy beinvasa")感染了野外的桉樹造林區,為了解其在台灣的生活史以供後續防治的策略參考,本研究於2011年於網室觀察記錄桉樹枝癭釉小蜂的形態、生活史、蟲癭發育形態變化及物候,並於2012年監測4處野外族群,了解野外的蟲癭物候波動。網室的觀察發現蟲癭成熟後雄蟲會先羽化,性比約為雌:雄=4.2:1,每個蟲癭的蟲數為46.0±28.0隻。夏季(5至8月)自產卵至羽化成蟲所需的時間為44.8±9.5天,秋季(9至11月)所需的時間較長為76.7±10.7天,配合整年觀察的羽化月份,桉樹枝癭釉小蜂在台灣至少有6個世代週期,相較於氣候乾燥的重度感染區以色列有更多的世代,若擴散可能造成更嚴重的危害。野外族群以未施藥的古坑及台北的桉樹感染率最高(分別為65.5%及59.5%),全年皆可看見蟲癭,羽化時間僅於3月至11月,感染率則以7月至11月為高峰。台南及花蓮造林地已緊急投藥,且定期修剪感染的枝條,感染率低於24.9%,但全年可見新的蟲癭產生,仍須持續進行防治。未來的防治工作應配合生活史資訊以增加效率,如:於幼蟲期(12月至隔年2月;蟲癭外觀青綠尚未轉紅)投藥,利用雌雄羽化時間差特性開發雄蟲誘殺陷阱(費洛蒙陷阱)。目前桉樹枝癭釉小蜂在台灣正處於引入初期,若能就零星出現的蟲害進行防治,可避免疫情擴散造成更大的經濟損失。


The gall-inducing wasps (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) invaded the eucalyptus forests of Europe and other continents causing significant economic losses. In 2010, the first record of this newly invasive species, "Leptocybe invasa" was reported infecting eucalyptus trees in Taiwan. In order to obtain the necessary information for formulating a prevention policy for this wasp, we conducted several studies. In 2011 we investigated the morphological characteristics, life cycle, and phenology of "L. invasa" in a net house. In order to understand the dynamics of their phenology in the wild, we monitored four wild populations in 2012. In our net house observations we found that the males emerged first after the galls matured. The sex ratio of female/male was about 4.2 to 1, and the average found number of adults from each individual gall was 46.0±28.0. The duration from egg to adult was about 44.8±9.5 days in the summer (May-August), and 76.7±10.7 days in the fall (September- November). Here in Taiwan they produce at least six generations a year. This is likely to result in a more severe infection compared to the xeric habitats of Israel, which produces less generations in a year. In our study, the higher infection rates were found in the areas of Gukeng and Taipei (65.5% and 59.5%, respectively) where the galls of "L. invasa" were found all year round. In Taiwan the time of emergence of "L. invasa" is only in the period from March to November, and the period of the infection apex is from July to November. After pesticide treatment and regular pruning of the infected branches in the Tainan and Hualien areas the infection rates was reduced to less than 24.9%. This result showed that early prevention was very effective. Further prevention must be conducted based on the information of the pest’s life cycle, such as pesticide treatment in the larval stage (December to February), and the development of pheromone traps considering that the time of emergence is not synchronized among the genders. In Taiwan, these invasion wasps are in the early invaded stages. The better we can control any wide-spread invasion events, the better we can avoid economic losses

主题分类 生物農學 > 動物學