Like most communication technologies that appeared before it, the Internet bears upon itself imaginations and anxieties concerning its impact to our social life. With its still developing technological format, the Internet leaves much room for ethnographic imagination about its enriched social and cultural implications. The article explores the opportunities, problems, and challenges of applying ethnographic methods to the study of the Internet culture. The first part deals with the “hermeneutic turn” of ethnography in the past decades. It mainly concerns how ethnographic methodology copes with global social transformations, as well as the calls for reflexivity within the discipline concerning the authority of representing Others. The second part discusses the particularities and generalities of the Internet technologies, focusing on time-space construct, identification, and concepts of community. The last part explores the techniques and problems of ethnographic methods, including problematic fieldwork, the factuality of virtual identity, the ethical dilemma, and the balance between microscopic and macroscopic meanings.
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