


An Investigation on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Virtual Community




游佳萍(Chia-Ping Yu);陳妍伶(Yen-Ling Chen)


領導者成員間關係 ; 組織公民行為 ; 線上遊戲團隊 ; 虛擬社群 ; LMX Leader-Member Exchange ; OCB Organizational citizenship ; On-line game community ; Virtual Community




11期(2006 / 07 / 01)


115 - 144




由於線上遊戲平台提供即時交談功能,使得玩家從原本單純為了玩遊戲,自發性地形成的社群。雖然社群內的成員分散各地,但他們卻能主動與其他成員分享心得、遵從社群規定,維護社群名聲,並幫助社群其它成員解決問題。這些自發性的活動,將有助於組織成立線上社群,幫助知識管理的活動。我們藉由組織公民行為、及領導者成員間關係這兩個理論,來觀察虛擬團隊成員的行為。 本研究以線上遊戲團隊為我們的觀察樣本,諸如同盟、工會這類皆屬之。研究結果發現:1)團體凝聚力是影響領導者成員間關係的重要因素。2)線上遊戲團隊中存在領導者與成員間關係,但是對於情感相似性而言,領導者成員間關係並沒有顯著幫助它們提升成員的組織公民行為。3)與實體環境中的團隊成員相似的是,線上遊戲團隊成員也會表現出利他的行為。 根據以上的資料分析,我們建議提供討論區或是聊天室,以增加團隊成員間的交流,建立相關機制使團隊能長久而持續的活動。除此之外,線上遊戲公司應善用各團隊領導者隊成員的約束力,增加成員對遊戲的黏著度,也能提高整個團隊的凝聚力。


The virtual community has created new opportunities for timely collaboration and sharing knowledge among the individuals who are geographically dispersed. When concerns about passive knowledge sharing online are reported, several self-management virtual communities have showed strong and active interactions among their members. The online game community is a typical example. We investigate the behavior of team members based on the theories of OCB (Organizational citizenship Behavior) and LMX (Leader-Member Exchange). Our samples are members of on-line game's team, such as clan. There are three findings: (1) The cohesion of on-line game' teams is an important factor to effect LMX. (2) Although members' OCB is influenced by the Leader-Member relationship, and cohesion directly, member's OCB may not be improved by strong affective similarity under condition of strong LMX. (3) Our research model shows the members of on-line game's teams are altruism. For the managers of on-line game companies, our research suggests that they should consider the activities or mechanism to improve the cohesion and affection of these on-line game's teams when they create and manage these on-line game's community. For the leader of these game's teams, she/he could be a facilitator to coordinate and maintained the relationship among members.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 傳播學
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