This research analyzed four doctrines about time in communication theories including ”time of media use”, ”the bias of communication” ”how the broadcast and television media construct everyday time”, and ”news report and time idea”. These subjects are all relevant in media time theory.
Afterwards, this article focuses on the instantaneous media and puts the media time in postmodern environment. By analyzing the appearance of politics, economy and culture on electronic media, the research finds that the audiences' cognition is formed by the flow of changing images. Electronic media are clearing up the present memories and forcing the audiences only to pay a little attention on the things. Such media can be characterized as the facilitator of social forgetfulness. In other words, the mass communications have enlarged our horizon, diversified cognition, but we also lost the historical, vertical, and concentrated experiences. We are used to perusing the rhythm of media time, living in the shallow time and surface of society. Our cognition, experiences, and action all are like 'a flying goose touching the snow-covered land', showing a superficial depth. In the end, we find it difficult to be concentrated on something and exploring it deeply.
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