
MSN Messenger的媒介訊息:從符擔性看MSN人際關係展演


The Medium Message of MSN Messenger: Affordance Theory and the Performances of MSN Relationship




曹家榮(Chia-Rong Tsao)


MSN Messenger ; 電腦中介傳播 ; 符擔性理論 ; 有距離的親密性 ; MSN Messenger ; Computer-mediated Communication ; Affordance Theory ; Intimacy at a Distance




14期(2008 / 01 / 01)


133 - 166




MSN Messenger這一即時通訊軟體,今天在台灣有著廣大的使用族群。它與過去其他以網際網路為基礎的即時互動媒介,有著許多相似性,但也有著差異性。基本上,我們可以看到它們都提供了某種程度“無遠弗屆”的可能性,然而,相較於過去討論虛擬社群的匿名特徵所帶來的開放性,在本文看來,MSN所媒介的較屬於一種封閉的社群,也就是由以現實生活為基礎、不具匿名特性的人際關係所組成。這樣的媒介技術具有什麼樣的社會意義?或是借用McLuhan(1964)的譬喻,MSN的媒介訊息是什麼?我們又應該從什麼樣的觀點來認識這一訊息?本文試圖以符擔性理論討論之。從Gibson(1979)符擔性理論出發,本文認為我們應當將關注的焦點轉向人與媒介技術之相互遭遇。走出過去將媒介技術視為是促成或阻礙社會行為之工具的觀點,本文嚐試建立起以符擔性為基礎的理論架構,用以思考人與媒介技術間的關係。這一轉向認為人與媒介技術之間,存在的是共構、協作的關係,我們的生存體驗正是與各種媒介技術交織在一起。而MSN多樣的符擔性也就正彰顯出現代人的生活經驗,一種有距離的親密關係。


MSN Messenger is the most popular instant messaging (IM) service in Taiwan today. There are several common features as well as differences in MSN and other real-time interaction media based on internet. All these media, which are also called computer-mediated communication (CMC) media, facilitate the distant interaction. According to some past researches, we have learned about the concept of ”virtual community” grounded on CMC. In this article, I want to indicate that the nature of ”community” mediated by MSN has some different meanings. I try to discuss the interaction performances on MSN through Gibson's afforance theory. To borrow McLuhan's metaphor, I try to present the living experiences based upon the media messages of MSN.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 傳播學
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