


Questioning the Hierarchy and the Power Relations within Web-photo-album-community in Taiwan




龐惠潔(Hui-Chieh Pang)


虛擬社群 ; 網路相簿 ; 階級 ; 權力 ; Virtual Community ; Web-photo-album-community ; Hierarchy ; Power




14期(2008 / 01 / 01)


197 - 222




本研究以盛行於台灣的「網路相簿社群」為研究對象,主張網路相簿導入了以「影像」為主的溝通模式,並且擴張「觀看」對網路使用者的意義。本研究意欲探討立基於此前提所形成的網路相簿社群,其間內存的互動情形、階級與權力關係如何展現,對網路相簿社群成員又形成哪些影響,以期理解網路相簿作為一種網路新技術的社會及文化意義。 本研究循質性研究方法開展,採參與觀察與深度訪談蒐集資料,總計進行為期2年10個月的參與觀察,並邀請13名成員受訪。 匯整訪談資料,本文提出以下三點研究發現:第一,網路相簿社群使用者於平台內討論影像資訊,平台外發展私人關係;成員之間不均等的互動將導致次社群集結現象興起,互動緊密的次社群可能脅及原社群的存在,或與之分庭抗禮。第二,網路相簿社群成員可依管理職權有無與符號資本高低,區分為管理者、核心成員與一般成員三個等級。核心成員與一般成員的位置乃是相對關係,是社群成員轉換現實資本進入網路相簿社群,進而取得社群資本後再交換而來的階級差異。第三,網路相簿社群內的權力關係主要表現於管制的施行和動員行動。 一旦網路相簿社群內的階級與權力差異確立,網路相簿社群內將出現(1)依附行動、(2)互動行為轉變,反權力行為增加,以及(3)成員互動私下化等後續效應,進而改變網路相簿社群內的活動狀態,以及相簿社群對成員的意義。


This study intends to understand the interactions, hierarchical relations and power relations among members of Web-photo-album-community and to recognize the cultural significance of them in contemporary Taiwan society. By my participatory observation in web-photo-album-community and interviews with 13 community members, it is an online community with the following characteristics: (1) the imbalanced interactions among community members results in the grouping of sub-communities, and may further grow into competitors to the original community. (2) Community members? hierarchical positions are differentiated according to their possessions of online community capitals and how they display those capitals. (3) Powers accompanying with different hierarchical positions are shown in practice of administration and the act of mobilization. As the attachment and the resistance to the superiority of community and the privatization of interactions among members increase as the hierarchy and power relations within community are recognized by its members, the significance of web-photo-album-community on its members would thus changes as well.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 傳播學
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