


The Cognition of Information Technologies and Its Influences on the Willingness for Collaboration in the Light of Social Affordance




劉欣飴(Hsin-Yi Liu)


組織溝通 ; 協同合作 ; 社會能供性 ; 資訊科技能供性 ; 媒介豐富度理論 ; 社會資訊處理理論 ; collaboration ; social affordance ; IT affordance ; network analysis ; organizational communication ; similarity/attraction paradigm




16期(2009 / 01 / 01)


89 - 134






In this dissertation, the author attempts to know how the notion of IT's social affordance influences the possibility of people's options for the connection with others. According to the research regarding the homogeneity of organizational behavior, the degree of cognitive correspondence is a significant factor for building up an interactive relation. Therefore, ever since the perception of the affordability of IT varies, the resources and chances one gets from interaction will be differ too. In this research, the ego-centric name generator network analysis is proposed to be examined. 20 questionnaires were collected from one department of a company. The result is that, different IT affordance cognition is proved. The members have different IT affordance cognition when dealing with the same or different tasks. meaning that as the members have different IT affordance cognition, different social affordance opportunities will be produced.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 傳播學
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