Taiwan's news media are influenced by political and commercial environment. News quality is getting worst. But news institutions argue that people want to see the extent so that they are reluctant to change their operation principles. Therefore, if we want to improve news quality, the news reception patterns of people have to be changed.Especially, young students shall be asked to enhance their critical thinking through media education, in order to urge news media to improve their ways of reporting.Different from traditional model of news-citizen, this article does not emphasize that young people are concerned with public matters only through receiving hard news. On the contrary, influenced by cultural studies, this article argues that young people prefer to entertainment information or tabloid news, but they are also informed, talk about, or even participate what happened in the society, while they get pleasure in reading those texts. However, in order to avoid dominated pleasures and identities of young people, this article advocates that young students have to enhance their competence of news reading and production by learning critical news literacy.Because most of the students are unfamiliar with the process of news production, they often misunderstand that news as facts are different from other genres. Based on the framework of critical literacy proposed by Knobel and Lankshear, this article develops a model of critical news literacy, in order to help young students cultivate their ability of reading news.
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