Based on the perspective of Niklas Luhmann's Systems Theory, this paper presents a preliminary analysis mainly on the App system of the mobile the mobile communication. By observing on the so called App system, it sets to understand the meaning of its social evolution. The study found the internal structure of the App system, which activates as a social sub-system, contains the following themes and features-firstly, the App software and the broader social system heavily rely on each other, therefore, within the existing market of capitalism, such interdependence clearly enables the social system-based App sub-system to establish the App platform, the App development, and even more importantly, the simplified internal principle of App 'use and download'. Secondly, credited to the mobile terminal, these set principles in the capital market are able to construct a system boundary and inner structure of its own. Thirdly, the software (App) library and the amount of downloads become the common-theme (shared-concept) to project the activities of the system. This (re)formulates and simplifies the complexity of the original system environment to form the self-reflexivity of App system. At last, such reflexivity allows the App system to self-generate and maintain itself. Although its functions may have been well-integrated into the social system, App system discloses a close type of self-contained/self-production system.
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