


The Failure and Regulation of Urban Infrastructure Governance: The Case of Municipal Wi-Fi Network in Taipei




洪冬力(Dong-Li Hong)


都市基礎設施 ; 新自由主義 ; 治理失靈 ; 調節理論 ; 跨域競爭 ; 都市政治 ; urban infrastructure ; neoliberalism ; governance failure ; regulation theory ; cross-border competition ; urban politics




27期(2014 / 07 / 01)


1 - 29






In the face of the financial crisis recently, urban infrastructures used to be managed by the government were de-regulated and privatized through a transformation towards neoliberalism. The scheme of public-private partnership (PPP) was commonly adopted. However, PPP does not guarantee success and urban infrastructures may encounter the crisis of failure. This article discusses the case of municipal wireless internet infrastructure in Taipei, which had been built and operated through PPP in the beginning but was taken over by the city government after its failure. The government then made the wireless internet free for all. This article adopts the regulation theory, arguing that the change of wireless internet service in Taipei from paid to free service should be examined under the context of cross-border competition between cities and local politics. While the change from paid to free wireless service in Taipei seemed to depart from the trend of neoliberalism, it was actually a strategy of regulation aiming to enhance global competition and adapt to the local politics.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 傳播學
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