


Effects of Congruency between Visual Placement and Audio Placement in Mobile Advergaming




林慧斐(Hui-Fei Lin)


音樂品牌一致性 ; 行動廣告 ; 行動遊戲式廣告 ; 注意力有限空間模式 ; 訊息吻合架構 ; music-brand congruence ; mobile advertising ; mobile advergaming ; limited-capacity model of attention ; resource matching framework




27期(2014 / 07 / 01)


58 - 89






Music in advertising does not only transmit sensations, it also frames messages and primes brand performances. However, few studies have investigated audio placements of product names or slogans in product advertising theme songs. Furthermore, currently, with the ubiquity of smartphones and personalization of mobile phones, mobile advertising is increasingly valued. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between product congruency regarding embedded music in mobile games and mobile advertising. The theoretical foundations draw on the classical conditioning theory, ELM, and the limited-capacity model of attention in order to examine the effects of audio and visual placement congruency on mobile advertising. The results showed that gamers have higher recall and more positive attitudes towards brands embedded in the game when there is a fit between the background music of the game and the brands placed in the game, than when there is no fit between the music and brands. In addition, attitude towards music mediates the relationship between the fit and brand attitude.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 傳播學
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