The aim of this article is to explore the transformation of self according to the evolution of relationship of man-computational machines. Based on Sherry Turkle's concept of evocative object, this article argues that, as an evocative object, computational machines have evoked three images of self from the age of personal computer to the age of emotional robots and social media. These three images are the "second self" , the "multiple virtual selves", and the "tethered self". This paper also argues that, in the age of emotional robots and social media, the capitalist appropriation of social media has disparaged the authentic sociality to an purely social relationship automatically connected by social media. This paper suggests two ways for a reconstruction of authentic sociality according to Bernard Stiegler's theory of pharmacology: the one is to reconstruct an authentic sociality within dissociated social media, the other is to reverse the commodity logic of capitalism to an economy of contribution.
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