


An Exploration of Text Mining Tools on Digital Rhetoric Criticism – How Anti-nuclear Facebook Fanpages Shaped Fantasy Themes




曹開明(Kai-Ming Tsao);黃鈴媚(Lin-Mei Huang);劉大華(Ta-Hua Liu)


數位語藝 ; 幻想主題分析 ; 覆誦 ; 文本探勘 ; 混合取徑 ; digital rhetoric ; fantasy theme analysis ; chain out ; text mining ; hybrid approach




32期(2017 / 01 / 01)


9 - 49






The rhetorics in the digital world demonstrate interactivity and intertextuality, generating the massive volume of internet texts. This study suggest that the frame of "hybrid approach" combine text mining tools with manual browsing and coding, may be better utilized in the digital world to confirm the analytical results and to rectify any weaknesses,thereby expanding the usability of rhetorical criticism. Moreover, This study takes on the subject of an anti-nuclear Facebook channel. The computer text mining tool is used to determine and analyze the keywords that are chained out in the text. The rhetorical collocation of the main entries and responses is found having extension of meanings; through them, the fantasy themes and rhetorical vision are further strengthened.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 傳播學
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