


The GM Food Construction of the Internet Media: The Comparison of Sources, Scientific Evidence, and Position




邱玉蟬(Yu-Chan Chiu);李芳盈(Fang-Ying Li)


基因改造食品 ; 消息來源 ; 立場 ; 科學傳播 ; 網路媒體 ; GM foods ; news source ; position ; science communication ; internet media




40期(2021 / 01 / 01)


99 - 134






This study explores how the internet media construct GM foods by comparing popular science, agriculture, and environmental media concerning the sources, scientific evidence, and positions. The results indicate significant differences among the three types of internet media on the position of GM foods. Popular science media tend to neutralize and support GM foods, while agricultural and environmental media are mostly opposed and neutral. Although the media of different attributes have different positions on GM foods, the information sources are mainly from professional elites and government organizations, similar to traditional media. The agricultural and environmental media are more likely to cite non-profit organizations as their sources; however, as a whole, scholars, experts, and governments are the majority. Internet media indeed have diversified positions and opposing discourses on technology and risk hazards, but academic experts and the government mainly dominate these discourses.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 傳播學
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