


Why AI Should Augment Urgent Decision-Making Involving Ethical Conflicts?




甘偵蓉(Zhen-Rong Gan )


人工智能 ; 倫理決策 ; 緊急情況 ; 倫理兩難/衝突 ; 公共參與及民主 ; Artificial Intelligence (AI) ; Ethical decision-making ; Urgent situations ; Ethical dilemmas/coflicts ; Public participation and democracy




45期(2023 / 07 / 01)


19 - 50




針對緊急且涉及倫理兩難或衝突而人們難以做出良好決策的事項上,本文主張應該設計人工智能(artificial intelligence,簡稱AI)來改善甚至取代人們做倫理決策。這種AI倫理衝突決策系統,表面上是取代人類做出決策,但實質上是人類借助AI做出較佳的倫理決策,這種決策是從資料驅動到AI驅動。本文透過檢討那些反對以AI做倫理決策的方法論與本體論等兩類批評,並從檢討中指出這兩類批評,有哪部分值得AI開發者警惕,有哪部分則是對於這類倫理決策系統的誤解。本文並進一步指出,這種借助AI來改善涉及公共事務的緊急倫理衝突決策,若能從AI系統設計到部署的每個階段,皆納入決策利益相關人員甚至公眾的參與,便是辛諾特-阿姆斯壯與斯科堡於2021年所主張的「人工改良民主」。


This article argues that artificial intelligence (AI) should be designed to improve or even replace human decision-making in urgent situations involving ethical dilemmas or conflicts, which are well-known to be difficult for people to make good decisions. While the AI ethical conflict decision-making system may seem to supplant human decision-making, in reality, humans utilize AI to make better ethical decisions, transitioning from data-driven to AI-driven decision-making. By examining two types of criticisms-methodology and ontology-against using AI in ethical decision-making, this article points out which parts AI developers should be aware of and which are misunderstandings of these systems. Furthermore, the article suggests that involving decision-makers and even the public in every stage of AI system design and deployment can be viewed as an "Artificial Improved Democracy" proposed by Sinnott-Armstrong and Skorburg in 2021, which could enhance the development of AI ethical decision-making systems involving public affairs.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 傳播學
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