


A Study of Transformation of Administrative Structure of American Jesuit Colleges and Universities after the 60's Through Three Management Models




侯永琪(Angela Yung-chi Hou)


耶穌會大學 ; 控制模式 ; 專業模式及使命模式 ; Jesuit University ; Control Model ; Professional Model ; Mission Model




2卷2期(2002 / 12 / 01)


124 - 141




本研究主要是探討六○年代之後,美國耶穌會大學的管理與使命之間的互動模式。共分為六個部分:前言、研究方法、三個管理模式探討、內部組識的改革、外在力量的介入及結論。 美國耶穌會大學行政組識管理的發展可分為三個階段:控制模式、專業模式及使命模式。耶穌會大學在此三個不同的管理階段中,參與內部管理成員之影響力,包括修會、校長、行政人員及教授等四層級人員,隨著高等教育環境的改變,彼此之間有所消長。另一方面,耶穌會大學在戰後進入美國高等教育主流發展之後,三項外在力量-修會、聯邦政府及評鑑團體,也相繼牽動著組織內部管理的變革。本研究有以下幾點發現: (一)、六○年代之前,由上而下的「父權式」(paternalism)之控制管理模式是其主要的管理特色。(二)、六○年代與八○年代之間,校長的影響力逐漸凌駕修會的干預,以學術專業為導向的高教主流,使得在俗教授的參與逐漸受到重視。(三)、九○年代之後,可折衷兩者的「使命模式」成為耶穌會大學積極想取代「專業模式」的最佳選擇。


This study is to analyze the interaction between mission and administrative management of 28 American Jesuit colleges and universities since the 60's. It is divided into six parts including an introduction, research method, three models of administrative management, internal reengineering, external force, and a conclusion. The development of governance of American Jesuit University can be divided into three stages after the 60's: (1) prior to the 60's, Control Model located decisions about governance, policy, curriculum and students affairs in Jesuit colleges and universities. The Church controlled all institutional affairs. Lay faculty and administrators were used to the top-down decision-making. (2) Between the 60's and the 80's, Professional Model, which concentrated more on academic excellence, replaced Control Model as a way to reorganize the administrative structure of Jesuit colleges and universities because of the external forces involved. (3) In the 90's, a new model, Mission Model, which wants to maintain academic excellence and ethical and religious reflections emerged. It was considered as the best choice for Jesuit colleges and universities while handling the dilemma of how to balance academic reputation and mission.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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