


Course Design and Student Creativity-An Action Research in "Investments"




林哲鵬(Che-peng Lin);陳世佳(Shr-jya Chen)


創造力 ; 教學創新 ; 知識經濟 ; 學習評量 ; 網際網路 ; 電子學習 ; Creativity ; Teaching innovation ; Knowledge economics ; Assessment ; Internet ; E-learning




3卷1期(2003 / 06 / 01)


27 - 56




本研究嘗試藉由投資學課程的重新設計,鼓勵學生發揮自我創意思考,並在團隊中激盪組織創造力。課程設計基本上依循兩個理念,首先,減少由教師單向傳輸知識的講述,讓學生有發揮自主學習的機會,並強調發揮創意的重要;其次,由於成績評量方式會引導學生努力的方向,課程中改變過去由教師出題考試為主的評量方式,加重平時成績的比例、增加同儕互評,希望藉此評量之設計,提昇組內(intra-group)及組間(inter-group)的動態互動,形成良性競爭,達到以學生為中心的學習(student-centered learning)。為使上述理念得以具體實現,課程藉由資訊科技的輔助,結合網際網路、教學平台及電子學習,除提供教材內容、參考資料等線上資源供學生課前預習及課後參考外,學生的作業成果、同儕意見、以及針對不同主題的討論評議等,皆可在平台上交流,達到資源共享、創意激盪的目標。 傳統以考試為主的課程,只能看見學生學習的結果,卻忽略學生在學習過程中的思考,此一課程改變傳統評量方式,並結合電子學習(e-learning),使學習者能夠自由地表達想法,與教師、同組同學或他組同儕進行腦力激盪及充分的溝通。教學平台則詳細紀錄了學生的思考過程與創意,豐富了學習的歷程與結果。討論區的使用率亦十分激勵教學者,由學期初的數十次逐月大幅成長到上千次,學生的積極投入和熱烈發表顯示了他們對此一課程設計的認同。此外,根據學習者的回饋調查問卷,學生對於此一教學設計在提升啟發創造力上充滿了肯定,由此顯示,創造力雖然無法直接被教導,但應可藉由適當的課程設計及教學媒體的運用使其得到增強。如何避免不經意地傷及學習者的創造力,並提供學習者在具啟發創意的環境下學習,是吾等從事教學工作者應該持續努力的重要課題。


This study attempted to create an encouraging learning environment in the course of Investments for the development of individual and group/organization creativity. The changes are made on two foundational beliefs of the instructors: First, the course should provide opportunities and flexibility for the sprouts of creativity. The one-way imposition of knowledge from instructor to student could be reduced and student-initiated learning be increased. Second, the weight of mid-term and final examinations in the assessment portfolio should be partially shifted from teacher-centered to student-centered criteria. With the dynamic process of intra-group and inter-group interactions, positive competition promotes the growth of creativity. These beliefs were embodied in the Investments course by the assistance of computer technology. With web network, e-learning and a web station designed for this course, the instructor was able to provide all the assigned reading materials and related references posted and greatly enriched the width and depth of the subject contents. The students' creative ideas, discussions, the outcomes of teamwork, peer evaluations are shared on this web station. The results of this innovation in Investment course are exciting. The implement of e-learning overcame the limitations of conventional classroom instruction. Students may learn anytime in any place at their own paces. The learners has unlimited chances to express their ideas, to fully discuss and communicate with each other, and to do brainstorming with their peers. Not like the mid-term and final exams that only show the outcomes of learning, the web station recorded students' thinking and leaning process. The usage rate of discussion area grew from less than one hundred times in the beginning of the semester to more than one thousand times around the end of the semester. Students' great enthusiasm and deep involvement proved this innovation satisfied learners' zest. Furthermore, the results of ”Curriculum Feedback Questionnaire” answered by the participating students indicate: students fully agree that this innovation could raise and inspire their creativity. This Investments course is an experimental attempt to nurture creativity. It is believed that no teacher can 'teach' creativity; instead, we should reflect on our own teaching not to 'hurt' creativity. How to provide a rich learning environment for creativity is an everlasting goal for every educator to achieve.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
  1. 教育部創造力中程發展計畫推動辦公室
  2. 逢甲大學電子學習計畫
  3. 創造力網站
  4. 教育部顧問室資訊網
  5. McGraw-Hill之Digital Solution教學平台
  6. 育碁數位科技
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