


An Attitude Survey of the Pre- and In-service High Schoolteachers on the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI) of Genetic Technologies in Taiwan




劉世閔(Shih-Min Liu)


基因科技的倫理 ; 法律 ; 與社會意涵 ; 人類基因組圖解計劃 ; 態度 ; 教師 ; ELSI ; HGP ; attitude ; schoolteachers




4卷1期(2004 / 06 / 01)


28 - 51




隨著基因科技的進步,同時也衍生許多倫理、法律、社會的新議題,一方面顯現這些議題在學校教育的缺乏,一方面卻又弔詭地突顯這種空白課程的重要地位。當科技越進步,其所引發的議題也越複雜。因此,對於基因科技衍生的倫理法律與社會議題,有必要提供機會給社會大眾探討,特別是學校教師。在台灣,教師的身分經常被視爲高道德的象徵,他們如何知覺此一新興科技?他們又持何種態度看待基因倫理?本研究目的在於 一、探討中學教育從業人員對ELSI的態度。 二、比較不同背景中學教育從業人員問,對於ELSI態度之差異。 三、分析造成中學教育從業人員態度差異的原因。 本研究的待答問題爲: 一、研究中學教育從業人員對ELSI態度爲何? 二、不同背景中學教育從業人員問對ELSI的態度是否有顯著差異? 三、造成顯著差異的原因何在? 爲了了解他們的意見,我設計問卷來研究是項議題。事先並徵詢十二個專家意見。他們是法律、哲學、生物倫理和生物科技方面的學者。自2003年2月到5月進行預試,並在台中、高雄、台北,以及花蓮等地區進行正式測驗。總計抽樣爲1153份,實際回收數爲642人,其中223位男性,419位女性。332個生物教師及310個非生物專長教師。


The rapid development of genetic science has added to the many issues, which have been fiercely debated in many forums and seminars. Proposed in 1988, the Human Genome Project (HGP) was launched by the United States. Some people recognized that the information gained from mapping and sequencing the human genome would have profound implications for individuals, families, and society. The ELSI policies in different countries seem to be shaped by different social values and religious assumptions. Thus, it is necessary to open up an opportunity for the public participation of lay-people, especially schoolteachers, in order to establish bioethical public policies and guidelines for the sound future development of medical and scientific technologies. Participants in this study include educators who have knowledge of the genetic issues and familiarity with the relevant ethical issues. The purposes of this study are to: 1. Explore the perspectives of these participants on the ELSI of genetic science. 2. Analyze their attitudes on the ELSI of genetic science. 3. Compare and contrast the similarities and differences of their attitudes on the ELSI. In order to survey their opinions, a questionnaire was used. Twelve experts reviewed the questionnaire in advance. Most of them are professors whose major fields of study are in law, philosophy, bioethics and biological technology. The actual sample size is 642, of whom 223 are males and 419 females. There are 332 biology teachers and 310 non-biology teachers. 340 of them have religious beliefs while the others are atheists. There are 218 teachers who have degrees at the graduate level or above, and the others are undergraduates.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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