This paper employs action research to explore contents of the essential teaching ability of student teachers in teacher education program. To achieve this goal, the subjects are twenty-two student teachers who take a course of teaching practicum. Data collecting from videotaping teaching process of student teachers, pedagogical knowledge map, peer evaluation, portfolios analysis, micro-teaching diaries and questionnaires is used to explore how student teachers construct pedagogical professional knowledge and teaching technique and the effect of micro-teaching on students' cognition of teaching professionalism. The results are as follows:
1. Before micro-teaching, the student teacher's cognition of teaching profession includes mainly written teaching plan. However, advance preparation and self-practice help student teachers master subject knowledge and arrange teaching sequence according to the learning situation. In addition, advance preparation such as familiarity of teaching material, collection of illustration and objects and practice help student teachers construct teaching professionalism.
2. During micro-teaching, the student teacher's cognition of teaching profession is expressed on the teaching plans. Besides, teaching media and methodology are employed for interacting with students and classroom management, but it doesn't accomplish completely.
3. After micro-teaching, the student teacher's instruction is adjusted through reflection and observation. What's more, reflection based on resource of pedagogical knowledge and common misunderstandings are used to improve teaching.
4. In terms of the effect of micro-teaching on student teacher's teaching ability, the ability of planning teaching is mostly improved and application of methodology is the next.
Based on conclusions, the study provides four suggestions to relevant organizations and future researchers for reference as follows.
1. Enhance the student teacher's ability of preparing teaching.
2. Improve the student teacher's pedagogic knowledge and technique of expressing knowledge.
3. Develop the student teacher's ability of reflection and learning through observation.
4. Increase the practice-oriented course design in the teacher education.
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