


The Case Study of Teacher-pupil Participation Structure in the Kindergarten English Classroom




吳雅玲(Ya-Ling Wu)


幼兒英語 ; 師生互動 ; 參與結構 ; English teaching for early children ; teacher-student interaction ; participation structure




4卷1期(2004 / 06 / 01)


78 - 107




本研究以高雄縣美美幼稚園大班的宇宙班英語課堂爲研究情境,以宇宙班學生、中外籍英語教師與帶班老師爲對象。目的爲瞭解英語課堂上,師(英語教師與帶班教師)生參與結構之基本模式。 本研究並採觀察、訪談及文件收集等方式蒐集資料。本研究的田野工作採用教育民族誌的觀點,並以個案研究方式進行,且依紮根理論研究法分析資料,發展完整的概念。經一年半時問的探究,發現如下: 英語課堂參與結構的特性包括英語教師與學生互動之主軸及帶班教師與幼兒的互動副線共譜參與結構,且師生權利義務不對等,又英語的使用影響互動的質與量。而師生主要是以口語爲主要互動媒介,包括英語與國語並用,且輔以各種非口語行爲。而英語教師與全體學生的互動爲主要參與類形,但帶班教師的介入又形成課堂上數種兩位教師與學生相互參與的特殊形式。


The purpose of the study was to explore the general patterns of teacher (English teacher and homeroom teacher)-student participation structure in the English classroom of the oldest class in May May Kindergarten. The case study used the educational ethnographic approach and data was collected through participant observation, videorecording, interview, and document gathering during 1.5 year. The data was analyzed according to Grounded Theory. The findings of the study included the followings. 1. In the English classroom, the participation structure was interwoven with the principal English teacher-pupil interaction and the secondary homeroom teacher-pupil interaction; and the relationship between teachers and pupils was so asymmetric. Besides, the use of English influenced the quantity and quality of interaction. 2. Teachers and pupils interacted mainly by verbal language, including English and Chinese, as well as some nonverbal one. 3. English teacher- all pupils interaction was the most frequent participation pattern.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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