
大家來裸體:質性研究電腦輔助資料分析新利器 QSR N6 (NUD*IST)


Let's Do Nudist: computer-assisted Qualitative Research Software




劉世閔(Shih-Min Liu)


質性資料分析 ; Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA)




4卷2期(2004 / 12 / 01)


161 - 202




研究者進行質性研究時,有必要找些聲譽佳的質性軟體來輔助研究,假使想要從訪談或問題的評論的雜亂研究資料進行分析,我覺得QSR N6是不錯的。 QSR N6 是Non-numerical Unstructured Data Indexing Searching and Theorizing的縮寫,現已超過80幾個國家在使用。儘管它有不尋常的字首,QSR N6結合有效管理非數字、無結構、搜查、理論化與索引的強大功能,其中QSR是指位處澳洲墨爾本為研究者領先世界的質性研究組織,N6係指NUD*IST的第六版版本。OSR N6是以編碼基礎的探尋利器。它被設計來增進研究者進行有效的資料編碼、解釋和反思。它也創造管理和允許我們發現新概念、探求想法和範疇的平台。此外,它也提供分類資料工具暨將全部有關聯的資料置於一個共同地方,並提供更多友好用戶的界面和更簡單的資料匯入程式,節點創造,搜查,尋常手續的活動的自動化,分析和報告,它的命令檔暨輸入程式幫助快速的建立以連接質化和量化的資料。我於本文中說明QSR N6的基本功能並將它譯成中文,希望引介給國內研究者,幫助他們有效並真實地進行研究。如果某研究者想進行深度分析,有N6的幫助是需要的,它可以節省研究者數週的工作量。


It is necessary to find some kind of reputable qualitative software to help researchers with their qualitative studies. If they worry about how to analyze their messy research data gathered from interviews or comments from questionnaires, I would suggest their using QSR N6. QSR N6 stands for Non-numerical Unstructured Data, Indexing Searching and Theorizing. It is the latest version of the NUD*IST software, now used in over 80 countries. It associates efficient management of non-numerical unstructured data with powerful processes of indexing searching and theorizing, hence its unusual initials. QSR (Qualitative Solutions and Research) is a Melbourne-based institution that develops the world's preeminent qualitative findings for researchers. QSR N6 is an advantageous toolkit for code-based inquiry and searching. It is designed to promote efficiency in processing, coding, interpreting and reflecting on researchers' data. It also creates an environment in which we can create, manage and probe ideas and categories to enable us to discover new ideas and to build on them. Besides, it provides a tool for categorizing data and having all related data together in one place, as well as offers a much more user-friendly interface and simpler procedures for data entry, node creation, searching, automation of routine activities, analysis and reporting. Its command files and import procedures help to establish speedily and link qualitative and quantitative data. In this paper, the basic functions of QSR N6 in English are documented and translated into Chinese. It is hoped to introduce this software for Taiwanese researchers to do their research efficiently and validly. Hence, if someone wants to do in-depth analysis, then N6 is what is needed. It would save weeks of work.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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