


A Study on Constructivist Approach STS Instruction upon the Sixth Grade Students in the Domain of Nature Science and Technology




張世忠(Syh-Jong Jang);鐘敏綺(Min-Chi Chung)


建構取向 ; 科學―技術―社會 ; 自然與生活科技領域 ; ; Constructivist Approach ; STS ; Nature Science and Technology Domain




5卷1期(2005 / 06 / 01)


40 - 74




本研究擬設計STS教學活動應用於自然與生活科技領域,並以個案研究法,從研究者(田野札記、教學過程錄影等)、教師(教師訪談、教師札記、其他文件資料等)與學生(學生訪談、科學研究紀錄簿、概念圖前後測、其他文件資料等)三方面蒐集資料,探究國小六年級學生於概念、態度與過程技能之學習表現,以及遭遇的困難與限制。研究結果發現如下所述: 1.概念領域主要以概念圖來分析,發現學生在關係、階層、交叉聯結、舉例皆有進展,架構也更為完整,而且能夠於概念圖中融入生活議題,甚至舉出完整的生活化例子。 2.態度領域,發現透過具先備知識的主題、感興趣的題目、當今社會議題、動手操作的實驗等,皆能夠提升學生學習動機。透過研究發表及角色扮演的活動,建立學生的個人價值觀,並培養作決策的能力。 3.過程技能領域,發現能夠培養觀察與描述、分類與組織、生活化發表、資料解釋等過程技能,並不斷精進。在實驗部分,能夠提出假說加以驗證,並能了解實驗中的倫理問題。 不過,在有些是將來須克服的問題:概念圖的訓練、迷思概念的修正、思考廣度與深度的加強、資料蒐集的管道多元化、課餘時間的運用、各方人員的支持,以及進度的掌握等,可作為將來研究之建議。


The purpose of study was to design STS instruction in nature science and technology curriculum and to explore sixth grade students' performance in the domains of concept, attitude and skills. The main research method was a case study and documentary interpretation. The research data included researcher's personal observations and notes, videotaped records of teaching performances, the researcher's interviews with teachers, teachers' self-reflections, and students' interviews, concept-maps, supplemented by the students' lab notes and other recordings etc. The results were as follows: 1. The frames of students' concept-mapping were getting better. They could add human life issues to concept-mapping in concept domain; even some concept-mappings had social examples through hierarchies. 2. STS instruction enhanced students' learning motive by choosing interesting subjects and social issues; moreover students could set up personal values through presentation and role playing, and learn to make decisions in attitude domain. 3. Students developed several skills included observing and describing subjects, classifying and organizing data, delivering outcome that closed to life, and explaining information. Besides, they could design science experiments and understand experiment morality in skill domain. However, there were still some problems including concept-mapping training, misconception revision, the broad and depth of thinking, data collection ways, time consuming, support of the administration and parents, and rate of teaching progress, needed to be settle in science instruction in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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