


The Reflection of Student Teachers in Secondary Schools: An Analysis on Case Writing




張民杰(Min-Chieh Chang)


個案記實案例撰寫 ; 實習遭遇的問題 ; 師資培育 ; 實習教師 ; 反思 ; case writing ; problems during internship ; teacher education ; student teacher ; reflection




5卷1期(2005 / 06 / 01)


75 - 96




在大學師資職前教育到成為中小學正式教師的師資培育過程中,設計教育實習的制度和措施是必要的。而如何協助實習教師在教育實習期間解決或處理遭遇的問題,獲得反思和成長,更是師資培育者的重要課題。本文藉由一所師資培育大學目前擔任正式中學教師的87-90學年度歷屆實習教師對個案記實的看法,以及該校91學年度的92位實習教師的360篇個案記實,分析實習教師在實習學校所遭遇的問題,以及實習教師反思時受學校實習相關人士影響的程度。 研究結果發現:1.該校歷屆實習教師對於實習期間撰寫個案記實,持肯定的看法。2.實習期間,實習輔導教師及其他實習教師同儕,是有助於實習教師學習和成長的主要人士,反而大學指導教師和學者專家,提供的協助不大。3.實習期間給予個案討論、製作歷程檔案、研習活動是三項初任教師認為較有助於實習教師學習和成長的方式。4.實習教師在實習期間撰寫的個案記實較經常的主題為「學生偏差或違規行為」、「教學實務」、「師生關係」、「學生同儕互動」等。5.實習教師的個案記實顯見級務處理(導師實習)較限於觀察和反省所得,而教學實務上較有實地經驗。6.實習教師反思受到實習相關人士的影響,應重視實習相關人士輔導知能的提升。


Internship system is essential in teacher education program. Student teachers obtain growth and reflection from problem solving during internship. This study (1).attempts to investigate the opinions of case writing during internship from alumni of one teacher education university; (2).Analyze the written cases from student teachers. The results of this study are as followed. Firstly, the alumni have positive opinions for case writing during internship during internship. Secondly, mentors and peers are very helpful persons for student teachers' problem solving. Supervisor from university and specialist are not as helpful. Thirdly, case discussion, portfolio making and workshop are more useful methods to promote the growth and learning of student teachers. Fourthly, 'misbehaviors and violated behaviors from students', 'teaching practice', 'relationship between teacher and student', and 'interaction among students' are more frequent themes from written cases analyses. The processing classroom practices of the interns are confined to observe and reflect. The teaching practices of the interns are more authentic practicing. Finally, the promotion of the mentors' guidance abilities is very important because the reflection of student teachers depend on them.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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