


A Preliminary Inquiry on How to Help In-Servie Teachers Promote Their Emotional Cultivation from the Persective of Teachers' Professional Development




饒見維(Jian-Wei Rau)


教師專業發展 ; 情緒涵養 ; Teachers' Professional Development ; Emotional Cultivation




5卷2期(2005 / 12 / 01)


138 - 153




本文將首先根據《情緒涵養》(饒見維,民93)一書,簡要地闡明「情緒涵養」之意義。其次,本文將從「教師專業發展」的角度,進一步探討情緒涵養對在職教師的重要性。教師時時刻刻的情緒都會影響學生的情緒與學習。每一個教師面對學生時也都不斷在面臨各種問題的挑戰,需要不斷解決新舊問題,因此最需要的是冷靜的態度與穩定的情緒。人們似乎都認為教師是成熟的個體,教師是為人師表,但是人們往往忽略了教師也是有感覺、有情緒的個體。教師並不是聖人,教師也會有情緒的起伏,教師也會有情緒失控的時刻,教師也需要有社會的支持。因此,如何協助師資生及在職教師持續提昇其情緒涵養,乃成為近年來作者對教師專業發展的關注焦點。 基於這個動機,作者從民國九十三學年度開始執行國科會贊助之專題研究「情緒涵養取向的情緒教育理念在國小轉化為教育實務之協同行動研究」。在此項計劃中,作者邀請五位國小教師,成為本研究之協同研究教師,並成立一個「成長團體」。透過此成長團體的運作,一方面探討如何協助協同研究教師提昇情緒涵養,並在團體中探討如何把「情緒涵養取向的情緒教育理念」轉化為國小的教育實務,然後進一步引導協同研究教師在自己的教育現場中以行動研究的方式來發展更具體的教育實務。 本文將根據到目前為止的實踐經驗,試圖針對在職教師的「情緒涵養」進行初步分析與探討,包括:作者如何帶領此成長團體、成長團體的運作內容、協同研究教師在情緒涵養方面的成長情形、協同研究教師在情緒涵養方面的瓶頸等。


This paper will first explicate the meaning of ”emotional cultivation”, based on the book ”Emotional Cultivation” written by the author. The importance of emotional cultivation for in-service teachers will be explored further from the perspective of teachers' professional development. Teachers' emotions constanly influence the students' emotions and learning. In facing the students, teachers also face the challenge of solving various problems. They mostly need a calm attitude and stable emotions. However, we seem to deem them as mature adults and the role models of the pupils. We tend to ignore the fact that they are individuals who have feelings and emotions. They are not saints. Their emotions might rise and fall. Sometimes their emotions might also go out of control and desperately need social supports. Therefore, how to help pre-service and in-service teachers improve their emotional cultivation becomes the major concern of the author in recent years. Based of the previous motivation, the author carriedd out a research project named ”The Collaborative Action Research on the Transformation of the Notion of Emotional Education into Practices in Elementary Schools-An Emotional Cultivation Approach”, which is sponsored by the National Science Council in 2004. In this project, the author invited six teachers from elementary schools to serve as the collaborative teacher-researchers and to form a ”co-development group”. Through the operation of the co-development group, the research's major purpose is to explore how to help the collaborative teacher-researchers promote their ”emotional cultivation.” The group members also discussed how to transform the ”Emotional Cultivation Approach to Emotional Education” into the educational practices in elementary schools. Every collaborative teacher-researcher would further carry out an action research to develop more detailed and concrete practices. This paper is based on the author's experience in leading this co-development group. The author attempts to carry out a preliminary analysis and inquiry into the in-servie teachers' emotional cultivation, including how the author leaded the group, the operational details of the group, the collaborative teacher-researchers' growth in emotional cultivation, the bottleneck and difficulties of their growth in emotional cultivation, etc.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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