


The Ideal and the Reality of Teacher Professional Development in Taiwan




黃淑苓(Su-Ling Hwang)


專業發展 ; 中學教師 ; 課程改革 ; Professional Development ; Secondary School Teacher ; Curriculum Reform




5卷2期(2005 / 12 / 01)


154 - 168






Taiwan has launched a sequence of school curriculum reform actions, including the ”Nine Year Joint Curriculum” which has implemented in all elementary schools and junior high schools since 1990, the academic senior high school 95 temporary curriculum which will be implemented in academic senior high schools from 2006 to2008; and the vocational senior high school curriculum as well as the comprehensive senior high school curriculum which both are under reconstruction and will be implemented soon after 2006. Like most countries which are pursuing educational excellence and conducting radical educational reforms, the officials in the Ministry of Education of R. O. C. at Taiwan well understand the capabilities and attitudes of school teachers are the key factors to the success of curriculum reforms so that they encourages teacher professional development without any hesitate. All education colleges, centers of teacher educational program, centers of teacher in-service education, schools, and some nongovernmental organizations have been sponsored by the government to offer a variety of teacher professional activities. However, teachers have been not as active and enthusiastic to participate in most non-degree teacher professional activities as the educational officials and scholars expected. As a director of a center of teacher educational program at a national university, the author has had a lot of opportunities to take a part in different teacher professional activities. The author is highly concerned about the mismatch of the enthusiastic expectation and the low actual participation of teacher professional development in Taiwan. In this article, the author attempted to activate all educational community members' attention to the problems and invite collaborative effort for creative solutions through discussing the problems of teacher professional development. Firstly the author described an ideal comprehensive model of teacher professional development; secondly, the author discussed the demand and supply of the teacher professional development for the ”Nine Year Joint Curriculum” reform; finally, the author discussed some problems of the current implementation for teacher professional development and made some suggestions for the feature improvement of teacher professional development. The scope of all discussion in this article was limited to the in-service professional development for secondary school teachers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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