


Professional Ethics of Teacher




梁福鎮(Frank Liang)


教師 ; 專業倫理 ; 教育倫理學 ; Teacher ; Professional Ethics ; Educational Ethics




5卷2期(2005 / 12 / 01)


61 - 77






Professional ethics of teacher is quite importance dimension about professional development of teacher. Because the school emphasizes accountability in the long run, many peoples in professional development of teacher regard curriculum development, guidance knowledge and instructional techniques. Therefore, professional ethics of teacher has been neglected. In this situation, most institutes of teacher education and teacher selection ignore to require professional ethics of teacher. That makes school teachers not completely clear the contents of professional ethics for teacher and this affects the effects of school education. In fact, professional ethics influences not only teacher's quality, but also the key of school's success or failure. Consequently, we must to analyze contents of professional ethics of teacher and to discuss how to cultivate professional ethics of teacher. Then, we can enhance professional development of teacher, lift results and reach the aims of school education. Many studies about professional ethics of teacher either emphasize on specific dimensions or lack basis of educational theory in the past. Therefore, this article will form perspective of educational ethics to leave, to analyze vocational needs of teachers, to consult discussions form Eduard Spranger, Josef Derbolav, H. Sockett, David Carr, Jan Dong-Liang, Yang Ruey-Ju and Wu Chin-Shan, to address more integrated view about professional ethics of teacher and to discuss how to cultivate professional ethics of teacher. Then, to offer these results to educational authorities, institutes of teacher education, professional organizations and all kinds of schools as references of professional development for teachers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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