


A Study on the Self-Concept, Social Support, School Life Adjustment of the Fifth-Grade and Sixth-Grade Transfer Students in Elementary School




陳治豪(Chih-Hao Chen);王以仁(Yij-Jen Wang)


國小轉學生 ; 自我概念 ; 社會支持 ; 學校生活適應 ; Transfer Students ; Self Concept ; Social Support ; School Life Adjustment




6卷1期(2006 / 06 / 01)


46 - 74




本研究旨在了解國小高年級轉學生學校生活適應之現況;分析國小高年級轉學生的性別、轉學次數、轉學原因、家庭結構、自我概念、社會支持與其學校生活適應之間的關係。本研究以台中巿、台中縣、彰化縣和南投縣等中部四縣巿五十二所國民小學的高年級轉學生共396 位為研究樣本,施以「國小兒童自我概念量表」、「國小兒童社會支持量表」與「學校生活適應量表」,並將所有資料以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關與逐步多元迴歸等方法進行統計分析。 茲將本研究的主要發現簡述如下: 一、國小轉學生在學校生活適應的整體能力表現具有中上程度。 二、不同性別的國小轉學生在學校生活適應上有顯著差異,女生優於男生。 三、不同轉學次數的國小轉學生在學校生活適應上有顯著差異,轉學次數少的(如一至二次)優於轉學次數多的(如三至四次或五次以上)。 四、不同轉學原因的國小轉學生在學校生活適應上有顯著差異,因為父母離婚或分居而轉學之轉學生其學校生活適應較差。 五、不同家庭結構的國小轉學生在學校生活適應上有顯著差異,雙親家庭優於非雙親家庭。 六、國小轉學生整體自我概念及其五個層面均和學校生活適應的表現具有顯著的正相關。 七、國小轉學生整體社會支持及其三個層面均和學校生活適應的表現具有顯著的正相關。 八、國小轉學生背景變項中的「性別」,自我概念中的「能力自我」、「社會自我」、「家庭自我」、「心理自我」,社會支持中的「教師支持」、「同儕支持」等因素在其整體學校生活適應表現上的預測力達顯著水準。 最後根據研究結果對於教育相關單位、家長及未來研究者提供建議。


The main purpose of this study was to explore demographic variables (gender, transfer times, transfer reasons and family structure), self-concept, social support, and school life adjustment of the transfer students in elementary school. The participants in this study included 396 fifth-grade and sixth-grade transfer students in Taichung City, Taichung County, Changhua County and Nantou County. The instruments used in the study included Self Concept Scale, Social Support Scale, School Life Adjustment Scale. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted by means of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's Product-Moment Correlation and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The major findings of the study were as follows: 1. The transfer students' school life adjustment was above the middle degree. 2. The gender significantly affected school life adjustment of the transfer students. That is, the girls are better than the boys. 3. The transfer times significantly affected school life adjustment. That is, few times (example: one or two) are better than many times (example: three or four). 4. The transfer reasons significantly affected school life adjustment. That is, divorce or separation worse than other reasons. 5. The family structure significantly affected school life adjustment. That is, the two-parental family students are better than the single-parental family students. 6. There was significant relevance among the factors of self-concept and the factors of school life adjustment. 7. There was significant relevance among the factors of social support and the factors of school life adjustment. 8. The transfer students's gender, ability self, social self, family self, psychological self of self concept, teachers support, peers support of social support can effectively predict the school life adjustment. According to the above conclusions, some suggestions to parents, school educational workers, government, and future research are provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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