


Career Maturity and Its Related Factors of Undergraduate Students of a University in Central Taiwan




關永馨(Yung-Hsing Kuan);齊隆鯤(Lung-Kun Chi)


生涯發展 ; 生涯成熟 ; career development ; career maturity




6卷2期(2006 / 12 / 01)


91 - 107






The objectives of this study were to investigate career maturity of undergraduate students and its relationship with gender, grade, college, part time job experience, career decision, department satisfaction, and school adaptation. A total of 692 undergraduate students of a university in central Taiwan were examined by Career Development Scale for College Students designed by Drs. Lin and Hsiou. Data collected were analyzed with t-test, ANOVA or Spearman rank correlation. The results showed that in dimensions of career maturity, the scores of career belief, career planning and self-awareness of undergraduate students of this university were similar to the norm. However, their scores of work-world knowledge and career decision were lower than that of norm. There were significant differences between different gender on the scores of career belief, career decision and self-awareness; there were significant differences among different grades on the scores of career planning and work-world knowledge; there were significant differences among different colleges on the scores of career belief and career planning. And there were significant differences between students with or without part-time job experience on the scores of career belief, career planning and self-awareness; there were significant differences among students with different career selections after graduation on the scores of career belief, career planning and self-awareness. In addition, there were positive correlations between scores of department satisfaction of students and their scores of career belief, career planning, career decision and self-awareness, respectively; there were positive correlations between scores of school adaptation of students and their scores of career belief, career planning, career decision and self-awareness, respectively. The results of this study will provide for career education and guidance for undergraduate students and be used as bases for the further studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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