


Discourses of Instruction Innovations and Its Problems in Post-Digitalizing Era: Between New Pedagogy and Bildung




王俊斌(Chun-Ping Wang)


數位化 ; 教學科技 ; 新教學論 ; 陶養 ; 實踐智慧 ; Digitalization ; Instructional Technology ; New Pedagogy ; Bildung ; Phronesis




8卷1期(2009 / 06 / 01)


25 - 42




面對資訊全球化或學習社會等時代潮流,當前的教育發展其實早已呈現出一種「後數位時代教學論」的嶄新形態。亦即,我們現在看到的教學形態不只是表面的教學媒介的革新而已,其實它同時更展現出一種不同以往的教育關係。在這樣的趨勢下,當有愈來愈多新科技爭相投入開發潛在教學市場之際,毫無疑問,新穎的技術形式等同讓「新教學論」得到強而有力的支撐。但是,在科技烏托邦的樂觀氛圍下,我們不難想見教育過程會不會產生「手段-目的」的本末錯置或主從異化的現象?甚至,讓陶養的原初理想在不自覺間被輕忽? 針對新教學科技的未來性以及陶養的概念是有否還有必要維持等問題,本文除了在前言中說明探究的問題意識外,後續論述的架構則是包括:首先,在「後數位時代的新教學論視野」一節之中討論由數位科技帶動之教學革新。其次,「數位媒體的運作性效能與教/學概念的再思考」一節則是分析目前有關教/學概念的轉變。再者,藉由「我們仍然需要陶養的概念嗎?」之討論,重新澄清陶養概念的本源意涵。最後,通過工具使用恰當性問題的反省,建議「新教學論」應重視回歸教/學實踐智慧精神的必要性。


Under the context of Information Age or Learning Society, our education has showed a clear pedagogical mode transforming that is from traditional to post-digitalizing. That is to say, the key issues are not only concerning about instructional-medium-tool innovations, but also representing new connecting relationships between teaching and learning. In fact, when many new technologies are tried to integrate into school curriculums, it means that will make the viewpoints of ”New Pedagogy” obtaining more stronger support at the same time. Owning to such context, facing this kind of optimistic atmosphere of scientific utopian, those serious questions of our time are ”will it cause the 'mean-end relation' within educational process transposed or aliened?” and even more further,” will it let the original Bildung idea be neglected unintentionally ?”. Aiming problems about futurity of instructional technologies and necessity of the idea of Bildung, besides the introduction of problematic consciousness in first section of this paper, the other discussing dimensions are as follow: firstly, analyzing teaching innovations which are promoted by new information technologies in ”new pedagogical horizons within post-digitalizing era” section; secondly, indicating the transformation of teaching/learning concepts in ”performative effectiveness of digital medias and rethinking of educational significance” section; thirdly, reflecting the original implication of Bildung via ”do we still need the idea of Bildung?” section; finally, suggesting to acknowledge the necessity of returning educational phronesis by rethinking appropriateness of information-technology applications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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