


A Study of Elementary School Mathematics Teacher's Education and Curriculum Planning in Finland




蔡清田(C. T Tsai);魏曼伊(M. Y. Wei)


芬蘭 ; 班級教師 ; 數學師資培育 ; Finland ; class teacher ; Mathematics teacher training




9卷1期(2010 / 06 / 01)


125 - 141






Currently, Mathematics teachers in primary school have to complete a 5-year education with 300 credits in the pre-service education for teachers in Finland. They have to complete a master thesis and to achieve a Masters degree. After passing through the examination of teacher qualification, students undertaking class teacher training at the class teacher training school provided by universities are able to apply for a position of class teacher. From the aspect of in-service education, teachers get themselves participated in the in-service mathematics courses. On the other hand, Finland drives the education of Mathematics class teacher by forming Mathematics study group. This article aims to provide review on the entry selection of the Mathematics teacher training of primary school, development and planning of the teacher training courses, raise the analytical skills of Mathematics and foster interest in Mathematics in Taiwan through understanding the teacher training model of Mathematics teacher for primary school in Finland.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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