


Organizational Justice, Violation of Psychological Contract, and Employee Negative Behavior: Cases of the Technologic Collage in North Taiwan




施錦村(Chin-Tsun Shih)


組織公平 ; 心理契約違反 ; 員工負向行爲 ; Organizational Justice ; Psychological Contract Violation ; Employee Negative Behavior




9卷2期(2010 / 12 / 01)


77 - 100






It is true that a research of psychological contract violation has been discussed for many years on businesses, but little involved on private technologic collages. This paper employs north Taiwan 3 private technologic colleges of changing educational environment as a sampling target. It applied the ”cognition-affect-behavior intention” structure as a basic model to validate the relationships among organizational justice, psychological contract violation, and employee behavior, and also test the moderating effect of employee categories to the basic model. The empirical results confirm that the relationships between distributive justice and psychological contract violation, incongruence and employee negative behavior are not supported, the other hypotheses are supported. They also substantiate the moderating effects of employee categories. Namely, the similarity between an employee and a manager is more, the possibility of psychological contract violation is less, and the employee negative behavior will be fiercer while managers have the situations of psychological contract violation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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