


A Preliminary Study on Effects of the Creative Teaching Course of Trade Show Marketing




黃培真(Peir-Jen Hwang)


創意教學 ; 商展行銷 ; 技職教育 ; 創造力 ; Creative Teaching ; Trade Show Marketing ; Technological and Vocational Education ; Creativity




10卷2期(2011 / 12 / 01)


115 - 137






This study explores the effects measured by subjective feelings and teaching evaluation responses of vocational college students participating in the creative teaching program. It also compares the teaching evaluation scores of this course with the average scores of traditional courses. This study adopts the qualitative methodology of documental analysis, and the quantitative methodology of descriptive statistics. Research participants are the 51 students in the four-year day section of the Department of International Trade of Chihlee Institute of Technology that took the professional elective course of Trade Show Marketing in 2011. The researcher found that: the overall evaluation score of the creative teaching course is significantly higher than the average score of traditional courses, and participants also think highly of the creative teaching course on the dimensions of learning motivation and interest, innovative and creative ability, career competitiveness, and satisfaction to curriculum.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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