


High School Mathematics Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Confidence Interval in Taoyuan County




李宛臻(Wan-Chen Li);袁媛(Yuan Yuan)


學科教學知識 ; 信賴區間 ; 信心水準 ; 高中 ; 數學教師 ; Pedagogical Content Knowledge ; Confidence Interval ; Confidence Level ; High School ; Mathematics Teacher




10卷2期(2011 / 12 / 01)


21 - 45






This study examined high school mathematics teachers in Taoyuan County. Based on school size, this study used a random sampling method to select 148 teachers from 11 schools. A questionnaire was designed to investigate teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and teaching present situations of confidence interval (CI), and several statistical analyses were employed, yielding the following results: 1. High school mathematics teachers exhibit misconceptions on confidence interval, such as repeated sampling and believing that a confidence level equals probability, especially when the concept of confidence interval was not covered in the textbook. 2. Teachers who previously enrolled in statistics courses or taught related statistical lessons perform higher on subject knowledge of CI. They also agree more frequently that random sampling concepts should be introduced in curricula. 3. High school mathematics teachers perceive a low level of teaching confidence in CI; that is, most teachers do not agree that they have the confidence to teach this concept. 4. Teachers who exhibited a higher level of awareness of professional subject matter demonstrate superior understanding of CI, and vice versa.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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