


The Effects of Children Witnessed Violence Prevention Program on Domestic Violence Knowledge and Attitude for the Fifth and Sixth Graders




張景茹(Ching-Ju Chang);郎亞琴(Ya-Chin H. Lang)


家庭暴力 ; 目賭兒童 ; 家暴目睹兒防治課程 ; Children Witnessed Violence ; Children Witnessed Violence Prevention Program ; Domestic Violence




10卷2期(2011 / 12 / 01)


47 - 68






A quasi-experiment was conducted in this study. The subjects were fifth graders. There were 63 students selected by convenient sampling. Only the experiment group was undergone 6 weeks of ”Children Witnessed Violence Prevention Program” teaching, a total of 8 hours. The control group did not accept such a teaching. The measurement included ”Domestic Violence Knowledge and Attitude Survey” and ”post-learning survey”, which were written by the researchers. The statistic procedures employed Frequency Distribution, One Sample t-Test, and Analysis of Covariance for analyzing collected data and examining the research hypotheses. The findings of this study were: 1. There were significant differences between the two groups on learning effectiveness for domestic violence knowledge in the post-test.2. There showed no significant difference on learning effectiveness for domestic violence attitude in the post-test between the two groups of students. According to the results, some suggestions were proposed: 1. Teachers must involve the primary prevention of domestic violence program at the elementary school level, in order to enhance students' knowledge and attitude about domestic violence. 2. When teachers are teaching issues regarding domestic violence, if they find any suspicious cases, they must take an action, either report to the Counseling center or refer to related bureau, for the sake of primary prevention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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