


The Study of Scientific Self-efficacy of Female Elementary Students Who Participated in Field-based Inquiry Activities


蘇明俊(Ming-Jun Su);黃瓊儀(Chiung-Yi Huang)


野外科學探究 ; 女學生 ; 科學自我效能 ; field-based inquiry learning activities ; female students ; scientific self-efficacy




15卷1期(2016 / 06 / 01)


113 - 135




本研究探討國小女學生參加「野外科學探究」活動後之自我效能,採用問卷調查法,以自由報名參加活動之國小高年級女學生2梯次共60人為對象,進行「墾丁野外科學探究」二天一夜住宿型的實察活動,共20節,講授課與體驗課比例為4:3。活動前後分別施測,工具為「科學自我效能量表」,分為四大因素,各因素的信度值均大於.7為高信度,以相依t檢定了解女學生參加活動前後的差異;並於活動中及活動後訪談。結果顯示野外探究教學後,女學生在成就表現(t=-2.85, p<.05)、情感激發(t=-2.30, p<.05)、替代經驗(t=-2.41, p <.05)等因素有顯著提升,但言語說服(t=-1.864, p>.05)沒有顯著差異。整體而言,「墾丁野外科學探究」活動能提昇女學生的科學自我效能(t=-2.63, p <.05),女學生對活動持肯定的態度,透過競賽能激發女學生的表現,建議教師多為女學生辦理野外科學探究活動。然而,野外活動常面臨環境、時間及經費的限制,未來研究可在教師的專長下發展適於女學生的野外科學探究教材。


The purpose of this study is to investigate self-efficacy of female elementary students who participated in field-based inquiry activities in Kenting, Taiwan. The subjects of this study are 60 elementary school students in 2 rounds. These students participated in a two-day-and-one-night scientific inquiry activity in Kenting. In these 20-hour courses, the ratio of lecture and field-experience is 4:3. The students were tested before and after the activity with the "Science Self-Efficacy Scale", and t-test was utilized to know if the results were significantly differend. We obtained four factors, and reliability value of each factor was greater than .7. The students were interviewed during and after the activity. The result showed that "achievement performance" (t=-2.85, p<.05), "emotional arousal" (t=-2.30, p<.05), and "vicarious experience" (t=-2.41, p<.05) were all significantly promoted. However, there was no significant difference in "verbal persuasion" (t=-1.864, p>.05). Overall, we believe that Kenting Field-based Inquiry courses are able to promote female students' self-efficacy (t=-2.63, p<.05). Female students responded with a positive attitude toward this course and they were inspired through the competition. Nevertheless, such courses are usually limited by the environments, time and budgets. We suggest that teacher should take the limitations into account on the basis of the uniqueness of field-based activities, and thus develop suitable teaching materials for various field-based scientific courses.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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