


Teaching Application of Multi-Digital Devices: Case Study for Course in General Education


廖舜右(Shun-Yo Liao)


教學創新 ; 學習成效 ; 翻轉教學 ; 通識課程 ; Instructional Innovation ; Learning Effectiveness ; Flipped Learning ; General Education Curriculum




17卷2期(2018 / 12 / 01)


55 - 88






This research focuses on the outcomes of learning effects out of using digital devices in the selected course of International Relation in general education at given National University in central Taiwan. It attempts to answer the following questions: whether digital devices significantly strengthen students' motivation to learn, how to apply digital devices systemically in general education courses, and the potential obstacles to the application of digital devices in classrooms as well as feasible solutions. Experiments of applying Kahoot, Zuvio, Arguman, and Facebook for free in the course aforementioned indicate positive effects in terms of shortening time for class preparation, increasing enthusiasm for learning, and facilitating teaching innovations for flipped classroom.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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