


A Study on the Learning Motivation, Academic and Social Adaptation of Chinese Exchange Graduate Students in Taiwan


蔡文榮(Wen-Rong Tsay);李秋明(Chiu-Min Lee)


大陸碩士交換生 ; 學習動機 ; 適應問題 ; 深度訪談 ; 參與式觀察 ; mainland master-level exchange students ; learning motivation ; adaptation issues ; in-depth interview ; participant observation




18卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


119 - 146






Recently, the number of mainland students coming to Taiwan is increasing rapidly in the last decade, and has become a new force in Taiwan's higher education, which means a great significance. However, after 50 years of separation, there are significant differences in life, culture and diet between the two sides. Therefore, it is expected that the exchange students in Taiwan might have some adaptation issues. Specifically speaking, those exchange students, who are pursing master degree, may exists several differences in learning motivation and adaptation problems when comparing with college students during their stay, which are worthy of attention. The study was implemented at National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) during the fall semester in 2017, and invited 10 master-level exchange students as samples. A qualitative approach is employed in this study in terms of in-depth interview, participant observation, and document analysis to collect data. The study found that the motivations of the Chinese exchange graduate students are mainly to experience the local culture of Taiwan and enrich their own experience. In the process of exchange, the master-level exchange students encountered academic and interpersonal adaptation issues. The study also showed that with the help of four support systems: emotional system, instrumental system, information system and appraisal system, the mainland master-level exchange students at NCHU had good adaptation in general. In the end, this study provides four suggestions, in terms of providing good hardware facilities for those exchange students according to their professional characteristics, increasing the opportunities for them to experience the local diversities, focusing on one-on-one study partner, and optimizing the mentor-mentee relationship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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