


Pilot Teachers' Curricular Consciousness through the Lesson Plan of Technology-The Perceptions of 7 Elementary School Teachers


林欣蓉(Shin-Rung Lin);陳學志(Hsueh-Chin Chen);廖崑閔(Kun-Min Liao);蔡雅齡(Ya-Lin Tsai)


前導學校 ; 科技教育 ; 教案 ; 課程意識 ; pilot school ; technology education ; lesson plan ; curricular consciousness




19卷1期(2020 / 06 / 01)


1 - 22






The purpose of this study is to explore whether the pilot teachers' curricular consciousness of technology can go through both critical and dynamic process. Using qualitative research design of an interactive approach for data collection. Based on the use of three research methods, including: interviews, observation, and documentary analysis, which were collected by 7 pilot teachers from one elementary school. The main findings are as follows: pilot teachers' curricular consciousness has been impacted by the implementation and transformation of the lesson plans. Under the atmosphere of the myth, pilot teachers still try to change and realize the transformation of teacher-student relationship. According to the results mentioned above, this study suggest that the lesson plans of technology can improve pilot teachers' curricular consciousness and encourage pilot teachers' driving forces to shape a more appropriate teacher-student relationship. Study has also proposed several suggestions for raising pilot teachers' curricular consciousness and supplied further suggestions for follow-up research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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