


A Study on the Relationship Between Teachers' Professional Learning Community and Teachers' Innovative Teaching Performance in Taipei City


黃建翔(Chien-Hsiang Huang)


國民中學教師 ; 教師專業發展 ; 教師專業學習社群 ; 創新教學表現 ; junior high school teacher ; teachers' professional development ; teachers' professional learning community ; innovative teaching performance




19卷1期(2020 / 06 / 01)


47 - 76






This research aims to understand the current situation of teachers' professional learning community and teachers' innovative teaching performance in Taipei City, as well as the connection between the two. This study employed Survey Method named "Teachers' Professional Learning Community and Teachers' Innovative Teaching Performance Inventory". Participants were 336 junior high school teachers. Research statistics was analyzed by descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis and structural equation model (SEM). The main findings of this study included: 1.) Current situation of teachers' professional learning community and teachers' innovative teaching performance is in good condition; 2.) The result showed an middle positive and significant correlation between teachers' professional learning community and teachers' innovative teaching performance; 3.) The "focus on student learning", "support and co-leadership" and "cooperative learning and interaction" aspects were found to be the best predictors for teachers' innovative teaching performance; 4.) Teachers' professional learning community had positive and significant effects on teachers' innovative teaching performance. According to the findings, suggestions for the implementation and further studies are proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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