


The Nature of the E-business in Cyberspace-An Exploratory Study




洪世章(Shih-Chang Hung);余孝倫(Hsiao-Lun Yu);劉子歆(Tzu-Hsin Liu)


電子企業 ; 交易成本 ; 組織場域 ; 網際網路 ; e-business ; transaction cost ; organization field ; Internet




1卷2期(2002 / 03 / 01)


289 - 316






Given the impact of Internet on our society, the e-business has been now commonly recognized as an important economic entity driving capitalism. Although many have studied its business ends and technology means, little attention has been paid to examine why an economic organization is able to move from the physical marketplace towards cyberspace. In this paper, we combine transaction cost theory and the concept of organization field to study the nature of the e-business in cyberspace. We argue that the essence of the e-business is its capacity to create a virtual organization field capable of internalizing or economizing transaction costs in cyber-marketplace. A matrix based on our argument is proposed to illustrate the effects of the virtual organizational field on transaction costs. The paper concludes with some future research directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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