


Exploring the Factors Affecting Taiwan's Enterprises in Use of E-Commerce and the Performance Change after the Use




葉桂珍(Quey-Jen Yeh);王健全(Jiann-Chyuan Wang);黃吉村(Chi-Tsun Huang)


創新採用 ; 電子商務 ; 組織創新 ; Innovation adoption ; E-commerce ; Organizational innovation




1卷2期(2002 / 03 / 01)


357 - 380






The purpose of this study is to understand the current status of E-commerce (EC) adopted by Taiwan's enterprises, and to explore the difference in industrial and firms' characteristics, as well as the benefits and problems concerned between companies which have and have not adopted the EC. The findings have the following features: (1) Among the 500 top companies in Taiwan, about 30% of them have adopted EC. Their improvements over various performance indices after the adoption indicate the potential benefit for Taiwan's enterprises to develop EC. (2) For a company, the higher the degree of formalization, the various the products it produced, and the higher the level of the MIS department in it, the earlier would it adopt an EC. (3) The benefits of EC seem not the critical factors that affect a company in determining a use of EC. (4) Companies' concerns over various EC problems, especially the problems of system standardization, interface and connection, network quality and maintain cost, transaction security, technical support, and product compatibility seem the main issues that defer a company to use EC at the current stage.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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