


Scale of Internet User's Attitudes toward Internet Advertising




戴軒廷(Hsuan-Ting Tai);馬恆(Heng Ma);張紹勳(Shao-Siun Chang)


結構模式分析 ; 網路廣告態度 ; 量表 ; 網路廣告 ; 量表 ; 典型相關 ; structural equation model SEM ; attitudes toward internet advertising ; scale ; internet advertising ; measurement ; canonical correlation




4卷1期(2004 / 02 / 01)


59 - 83






Most of the past studies focused on the public attitude toward to conventional mass-media advertisement. But in this study, we apply cross section study design to discuss the indexes measuring the attitude toward Internet advertisement, where the reliability, the validity of the frontier research (N=98) and the formal research (N=587) are surveyed to develop an attitude scale exquisite toward internet advertisement ultimately. In the phase of the formal research, a random sampling approach is conducted to control interference variables (such as personal background). The data analysis is also distinguished into two phases, exploration and verification, where we proceed the explorative factor analysis with SPSS, and apply LISREL assessment mode in the verification phase. As well we divide the sample into two groups, on the basis of random approach, to verify the stability of the attitude scale with triangulation based methods. As a result, the measure index of Internet advertisement can be yielded in four perspectives-reality, humiliation, interference and antipathy. As regards the survey of criterion-related validity, the canonical correlation between four indexes of the attitude toward Internet advertisement and between four indexes of advertising communication effectiveness is 0.72 and 0.16 separately, which reach significance levels. Besides, the attitude toward internet advertisement also predicts sales effectiveness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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