


Concentration, Advertising Intensity and Profitability in Taiwan Manufacturing Industries




林靜儀(Ching-Yi Lin)


市場集中度 ; 廣告密集度 ; 利潤率 ; 聯立方程式 ; Industry concentration ; Advertising intensity ; Profitability ; Simultaneous equation




4卷2期(2004 / 08 / 01)


203 - 224




本文以台灣地區的249種四位數字製造業為對象,建立聯立方程式,探討集中度、廣告密集度與利潤率的因果關係(causal relations),以前述三者為內生變數,並以影響此三項內生變數的相關變數作為外生變數,包括進口比率、出口比率、最小效率規模、市場需求量、產品銷售成長率、資本密集度、勞動密集度、產品屬性與市場離散程度等九項。主要的研究結果發現:廣告密集度與利潤率兩者存在雙向的因果關係;市場集中度對廣告密集度呈現“倒U字型”的效果,但廣告密集度對集中度並無顯著效果;利潤率對於集中度則為負向的顯著影響。


This paper examines the SCP (structure-conduct-performance) framework on the relationships among concentration, advertising intensity and profitability in Taiwan manufacturing industries. Simultaneous equations models are used to measure the relationships of these variables for a sample of 249 four-digit industries in 1996. Advertising intensity is found to significantly influence profitability, and we also find that profitability responds positively and significantly to advertising. A significant relationship also does exist between advertising intensity and concentration, the results indicate an inverted U-shape (quadratic) relationship between advertising intensity and concentration. Concentration has no impact on profitability, but profitability has a significantly negative impact on concentration.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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