


The Moderating Effect of Business Network on the Relationships between Competitive Strategy, Core Competence, and Innovation Performance: Resource-based Perspective




陳忠仁(Chung-Jen Chen);賴秋燕(Chu-Yuan Lai)


資源基礎觀點 ; 事業網路 ; 競爭策略 ; 核心能力 ; 創新績效 ; Resource-based view ; Business network ; Competitive strategy ; Core competence ; Innovation performance




4卷3期(2004 / 08 / 01)


317 - 338






The major purpose of this study is to explore the effects of core competence, competitive strategy, and business network on the firm's innovation performance. Extensive literature review was done to identify key dimensions of the research variables and to build up the research framework. Resource-based view was used to propose the research hypotheses. Six hundred questionnaires were issued and received 110 effective responses. The results indicate that core competence has positive effects on the innovation performance; Firms with strong differentiation/cost leadership strategy have the best innovation performance. Differentiation or cost leadership strategy results in the middle level of innovation performance. Firms with low differentiation/cost leadership strategy have the worst innovation performance; In addition, business network plays a moderating role in affecting the relationships between core competence, competitive strategy and the innovation performance. Conclusions and suggestions were made for business practitioners and academic researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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