
Governance Mechanisms of Opportunism: Integrating from Transaction Cost Analysis and Relational Exchange Theory






賴其勛(Chi-Shiun Lai);劉水深(Shuei-Shen Liu);楊靜芳(Chin-Fang Yang);林鴻偉(Hong-Wei Lin);蔡宏文(Hung-Wen Tsai)


投機主義 ; 管理機制 ; 交易成本分析 ; 關係交換理論 ; Opportunism ; Governance mechanisms ; Transaction cost analysis ; Relational exchange theory




5卷1期(2005 / 02 / 01)


1 - 23






This study explores, from the perspectives of transaction cost analysis and relational exchange theory, the governance mechanisms that a manufacturer uses to manage a supplier's opportunism. Through this study, how the manufacturer can employ the mechanisms of selection, asset specificity, and relational norms respectively and simultaneously to mitigate the supplier's opportunism is understood. The results indicate that the manufacturer can employ the aforementioned mechanisms respectively to reduce the supplier's opportunism. When high relational norms exist between exchange partners, from the perspective of relational exchange theory, the moderate selection and asset specificity the manufacturer implements are best to restrain the supplier's opportunism.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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