


The Constructionalization and Comparison of Use Intention Model in Electronic Learning System




余泰魁(Tai-Kuei Yu);楊淑斐(Shu-Fei Yang)


線上學習 ; 使用意向 ; 計劃行為理論 ; 科技接受模式 ; 結構方程式 ; Electronic learning e-Learning ; Use intention ; Theory of planned behavior TPB ; Technology acceptance model TAM ; Structural equation model SEM




5卷2期(2005 / 08 / 01)


311 - 337






Previous studies on the adoption of electronic learning system have been made to investigate factors affecting its usage. We believe that the intention to use the electronic learning system is also equally important, not only for promoting the technology but also for encouraging its voluntary continued use. This study is based principally on ”simplified Customer Behavior Model”, ”Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)”, ”Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)”, ”Decomposition TPB” and ”Integrate Model” to construct a causal-effect model about the ”use intention” of users in the electronic learning system. The structural equation modeling is used to assess its adequacy for the use intention study and to compare it with alternative specifications that integrate previous research results. To confirm our hypothesis, data were collected 343 persons, as well as by the evidence of structural equation modeling, to get the following results: (1) The ”marketing mixes,” ”motivation,” ”perceived behavioral control,” and ”attitude toward the behavior” have a positive effect, while the ”risk perception” reveals negative influence. At the 0.05 significance level, the ”perceived behavioral control,” however, has no significant influence on the ”use intention” of electronic learning system. (2) The ”attitude toward the behavior” of the users in the electronic learning system is mainly positively influenced by ”motivation,” ”perceived usefulness,” and ”perceived easy of use.” (3) The ”perceived behavioral control” of users in the electronic learning system is mainly positively influenced by ”motivation” but negatively influenced by ”risk perception.” (4) The ”perceived easy of use” and ”perceived usefulness” of users in the electronic learning system is mainly positively influenced by ”marketing mixes,” and ”motivation,” but negatively influenced by ”risk perception.” (5) The ”marketing mixes” positively affects ”motivation.”

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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