


Investigating the Effects of Relational Bonds on Customer Behavioral Intention of Transactional and Relational Customers




丘宏昌(Hung-Chang Chiu);陳怡伶(Yi-Ling Chen);徐士雯(Shin-Wen Hsu)


關係行銷 ; 關係結合方式 ; 行為意向 ; Relationship marketing ; Relational bonds ; Behavioral Intention




6卷2期(2006 / 08 / 01)


1 - 19




對於學術界及實務界來說,關係行銷一直是一項相當重要的議題。要如何有效留住顧客,以往學者曾提出財務性、社會性與結構性之關係結合策略。然以往研究亦指出,企業在決定行銷策略前,應視其重視短期利益或長期穩定的關係來發展行銷策略。為此,本研究遂以銀行業為對象,探討不同關係結合方式在不同長短期傾向的顧客群中,對行為意向的影響程度。 研究結果顯示,對整體樣本來說,財務、社會及結構性結合方式對銀行的顧客行為意向影響,均達到顯著水準,其中又以結構性結合的效果最好。對交易型傾向的顧客而官,採行社會性與結構性結合之關係結合方式,均對其行為意向有顯著的影響;然對於關係型傾向的顧客,則須採行財務性及結構性結合方式,才會顯著提升其行為意向。


As competition increases, one of the most important business tenets is to manage the customer relationship. Relationship marketing, which focuses on how to build, develop and maintain successful relational exchanges, has received considerable attention in both academic and practical discourses. Recently, a body of research that attempts to point out the types of relational bonds that enhance relationship marketing has emerged. These are financial, social, and structural bonds. The purpose of this study therefore intends to identify the effects of relational bonds on customer behavioral intention between transactional and relational customers. The findings are threefold. First, all of financial, social, and structural bonds can significantly enhance customer behavioral intentions for the overall sample. Second, for transactional customers, both social and structural bonds have significant impacts on customer behavioral intentions. Finally, for relational customers, both financial and structural bonds have significant effects on customer behavioral intentions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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