
Understanding the Antecedents of Repurchase Intentions






蔡顯童(Hsien-Tung Tsai);黃恆獎(Heng-Chiang Huang)


再購意願 ; 可預期的價值分享 ; 滿意度 ; 移轉障礙 ; Customer retention ; customer satisfaction ; future value sharing ; switching barriers




6卷2期(2006 / 08 / 01)


63 - 80






Although academics and business practitioners are now paying more attention to the determinants of customer retention, the focus thus far has been on evaluation of customers' previous purchasing experiences with a firm and the perceived costs associated with leaving the provider. In this paper, the authors draw on consumer behavior literature to propose a concept that incorporates expected value sharing, which focuses on the future rather than evaluation of a provider's past performance. The study highlights the critical roles played by three drivers, namely, future value sharing, switching barriers, and customer satisfaction. To test the proposed hypotheses, the authors use a structural equation modeling approach based on data obtained from a music foundation in Taiwan. In general, the empirical findings support the theoretical model. Furthermore, the results suggest that the potential consequences of perceived quality can be categorized as anticipation-based, constraint-based, or desire-based attachments. The authors conclude the paper with a discussion of the implications of their findings and future research directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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